Please follow these rules or risk the deletion of your posts/topics.
1. Do NOT spam. What is spam? If it dosen't contribute to the topic, it is considered spam. All spam belongs in the Spam Forum.
2. All posts should have 10 or more words. Posts with less than 10 words will be deleted if it dosen't contribute to the topic. Decent replies are usually long.
3. Do NOT use profanity if you direct them to another member.
4. Do NOT post threads on whether or not the server is running or not. Only post those in the SPAM section of the forums. Administrators will keep you up to date with what is going on with the server. Please be patient otherwise.
5. Do NOT create multiple accounts. We can easily check this by your I.P. address, so don't even try.
6. Keep things appropriate. PG please. Most of iTouchMS players are younger than 18 anyways.
7. All rules, terms and conditions of iTouchMS applies.
8. Use the correct format. Don't be lazy and use the correct format whenever it's availible. Failure to do so will result in the deletion of your topic.
9. Please do NOT double post unless it is absolutely necessary. Theres the 'Edit' feature availible. Make use of it.
10. Post your topic in its corresponding forum. If you make a mistake, forum moderators will assist you. However, please do your best in making sure it's the right forum before posting.
11. Report posts you see that are spam or inappropriate. This will help forum moderators do their job. Thank you ;]
Rules are subject to change whenever staff and administrator deems necessary. All forum members are required to abide by these rules or face the consequences. Ignorance is not an excuse.
Guidelines for Forum Moderators.
Most of which is common sense; these simply list the basic responsibilities of a Forum Moderator.
1. Eliminate spam posts or move them to the spam section if possible.
2. Merge similar topics.
3. Make sure each topic is staying ON-topic. Off-topic posts are... "okay" if it's been marked as "Off-Topic" but it's your say.
4. You're a role model for forum use. You are required to follow all the rules listed above and follow these guidelines do the best of your ability.
5. Check forums regularly. You're a forum moderator afterall.
6. Do NOT delete posts and topics just because you felt like it. Only delete them if they are spam or if they are inappropriate.
7. Have an un-biased opinion of all members.
Written by: Yumi
Last Revised: 2008.12.24.
Status: Currently getting permission from Paul.