I have several questions regarding iTouchMS. They require elaborate answers so--put your seatbelts on. xD
1). Are GM applications still open? If so, how many people have been accepted? And who is the official head of the Game Masters? Now--How qualified do you think these players are?
2). Can we be part of more than one team? Ex: Forum moderator and Game Master.
3). How dedicated are you to this server? Quite honestly, this is an important part of whether players play iTMS or not. A week ago, I joined a server and was put as Head GM. However, due to the lack of dedication of the Admin--I resigned. The admin wouldn't address the problems I bring up or incorporate any suggestions I made. AND the admin was hard to get a hold of. SO--how dedicated are you? Are you willing to stick with iTouchMS through the sunshine, rain, and thunder storms? ;]
4). How large is this community? I understand that it is quite new--but I'd like to know statistics. x3
Thank you for addressing these questions!
Happy Holidays!
- Yumi